Implementation Checklist for Accounting
As a member of the implementation team, you will be overseeing the setup and implementation of Workamajig. During the setup period, you will be working with other members of the implementation team to make sure the transactions generated in Workamajig are correctly tracked in the general ledger.
Getting To Go Live
Though many of these areas will be set up by other members of the implementation team, you will need to confirm the settings prior to Go Live:
_GL Settings
_GL Accounts
_GL Tracking Options
_Check Formats
_Time and Billing
_Billing Item
_Sales Account Number
_Hourly Cost (blended cost rate)
_Sales Tax 1/2
_Billing Items
_Sales Account Number
_Tax 1/2
_Sales Tax Rates
_Tax Payable GL Account
_Expense Report Items
_Billing Item
_Sales GL Account Number
_Expense GL Account Number
_Tax 1/2
_Purchase Items
_Billing Item
_Sales GL Account Number
_Expense GL Account Number
_Tax 1/2
_Broadcast Items
_Billing Item
_Expense GL Account
_Sales GL Account
_Tax 1/2
_Print Items
_Billing Item
_Expense GL Account
_Sales GL Account
_Tax 1/2
_Project Tracking
_Hourly Cost
_Time Approver
_Expense Approver
_Credit Card Approver
_Expense Report Vendor
_Order Limits
_Client/Vendor Company Record
_Client Setup
_Client ID
_Default Sales Tax 1/2
_Billing Address
_Vendor Setup
_Vendor ID
_Payment Address
_Monthly Procedures
_Account Reconciliation
_AR/AP Aging
_Balance Sheet/Corp P&L