Welcome AMIN Agencies!👋 
We've got a special offer just for you!

**Book your demo before July 1 to be entered into a raffle for a pair of AirPods Pro!**


Integrated software designed just for creative teams streamlines processes & saves you money.

Agency Management Software

Seamless operations & collaboration plus complete business intelligence with real-time dashboards & financial reports.


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Project Management Software

Efficiently manage projects of any size from start to end, including resourcing, proofing, communications & more.

Powering the world's top agencies & creative teams
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Integrate your most important data to make growth & analysis simple. 

Plus, get built-in communication & collaboration for the entire team


Sales & CRM

Capture new opportunities, schedule follow-ups, & instantly generate projects with our CRM marketing software, built just for creative agencies.


Project Management

Create, estimate, schedule and deliver better-organized projects, faster, with a complete suite of marketing project management tools.


Resourcing & Traffic

Our marketing resource management tool allows you to schedule, plan and assign work across teams, departments, and offices.


Task & Time Tracking

Creatives are the core of your agency. Keep projects profitable and on schedule with easy-to-use integrated time tracking & task management. 

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Finance & Accounting

Improve margins with better reporting, accurate invoicing, & detailed expense tracking. Our billing, purchasing & accounting works the way agencies do.

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Business Intelligence

Make informed, smart decisions. Connect projects to profits on a team, office, or global scale and run your agency on hard data, not best guesses.


Why choose Workamajig? 

Watch our customers share firsthand why they chose Workamajig & how it helps them solve problems & get more done every day.

  • Increased profitability
  • Smarter business insights
  • Tools that speak to each other
  • Efficient - and effective - workflow


Over a decade of powering profitable agencies

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