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Industry Transformation & Agency Modernization  (January '25)

Letter From Our Leadership

Upcoming Change in the Industry Amplifies the Importance of End-to-End Agency Management Software

By Esther Cohen, Director of Marketing

The marketing industry has seen its share of disruption over the last few years, from the pandemic to the rise of GenAI. Now, the next big change isn’t tied to health, economics, or technology—it’s the mega-merger of Omnicom and IPG.

This merger wouldn’t have been possible without the transformative waves of change reshaping the marketing profession. As it unfolds, many marketing agencies and professionals within IPG may find themselves in one of these scenarios:

  • Agency employees wondering if their roles will become redundant.
  • Agency owners contemplating selling their businesses.
  • Senior management preparing for new Omnicom infrastructure without plans to sell.
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